Published 02/24/2025

Server Room Fire Suppression is Key to Your Company’s Safety and Survival

The most critical part of any organization’s IT infrastructure is its server room. From a single room to a multi-floor data center or a vast server farm, server rooms contain the hardware, software and data that companies rely on to do business daily and in the future.

The damage from a fire incident can be costly in downtime as well as the recovery, repair, and restoration of valuable equipment and lost data, not to mention the fire/smoke damage to the building itself. Even more disastrous is the potential spread of a fire to other areas of a building where people are working.

Obviously, the ramifications of a faulty, outdated, or non-existent server room fire protection solution could be catastrophic, and it’s not worth risking business assets or worse, the injury or death of personnel.

Why is a Fire Suppression System Necessary for a Server Room?

A server room fire suppression system is a primary concern for business owners, IT/Operations managers and anyone tasked with maintaining a server room. Protecting a server room from a fire event may require specialized equipment and systems that differ from typical fire suppression systems existing in areas occupied by people .

First, it is important to understand what’s actually in a server room. A server room contains IT infrastructure components that include racks of computer servers, storage servers, hard drives, as well as networking equipment, cable management equipment, lighting, mechanical hardware and more. A server room also houses peripheral subsystems that support its operation, like cooling, ventilation, seismic, uninterrupted power supplies and, of course, a server room fire suppression system.

Server rooms are more susceptible to a fire simply because of the heat that is generated by the servers. Furthermore, the concentration of electrical equipment compounds the possibility of electrical fire. Perhaps most concerning is that server rooms are often located at the center of a building or complex, which increases the potential for a fire to spread to an inhabited part of the building.

For the team responsible for the ongoing functionality of a server room, maintaining a proper temperature in the server room is paramount. In larger server room situations, sophisticated liquid-cooled air conditioners circulate chilled air constantly throughout the area. But even the best systems aren’t foolproof. From faulty wiring/connection or short circuit to massive usage spikes or even human involvement (error or sabotage), fires can and will happen. Fire suppression for server rooms is essential for protection and may also be a regulatory requirement.

Fire suppression nozzle in a server room

What is a server room fire suppression system?

Simply put, a server room fire suppression system automatically detects a fire event, enables systems to eliminate a fire and mitigate its damage, and alerts necessary first responders. A server room fire suppression system will likely be part of a larger system that protects the entire building.

There are two general types of these systems – gas and water-based.

Gas-based fire suppression systems

Gaseous methods of fire suppression fill an area with gasses that lower the oxygen level to the point that fires go out. Most gas systems are effective for Class A, B, and C fires and  leave behind no residue and are harmless to equipment, which saves time and reduces the cost of cleaning after a fire. Gas fire suppression systems are also non-conductive and non-corrosive.  There are three main types of gas-based systems, as follows:

Inert gas systems

Inert systems use a mix of argon and nitrogen to reduce oxygen levels in a room to the point that a fire no longer burns. This oxygen level suppresses fire but is also breathable, allowing people to safely evacuate. On the downside, inert gas systems typically require multiple, large gas cylinders that are needed to saturate an area. They can also be loud and may need sound mufflers on the dispensing nozzles to protect sound sensitive hard drives.

Clean gas systems

Synthetic gas systems are similar to inert systems, but the gasses also reduce and absorb heat. These systems use a piping network, like water sprinklers, and disperse gas more evenly than inert systems, which reduces their footprint. Clean agent systems are among the most popular with the NOVEC 1230 or FK-5-1-12 being most common.

Water-based systems

Automatic water sprinkler systems will likely be deployed throughout a building or complex as part of the overall fire suppression and extinguishing system. While less expensive than gas systems, water-based fire suppressant systems can cause extreme damage to electrical hardware and are much more costly to clean up after a fire event. Water-based systems are available in three types, as follows:

Wet pipe systems

Standard Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems are fully pressurized with water and when a sprinkler head reaches its temperature threshold it activates immediately discharging water, making them a common choice in Fire Sprinkler Systems. They are the most common choice for fire sprinkler systems and at times the most inexpensive option, but have significant downside, especially in server rooms, as there is potential for accidental or negligent discharge. Once activated wet pipe systems continue to spray water until the valve is turned off.

Pre-action systems

Pre-action systems require two events to occur before water flows, and water isn’t stored in the pipes. First, a fire detection system must identify that a fire is developing, such as a smoke alarm. Second, the sprinkler system must be activated by heat from a fire. This gives ample time for personnel to investigate the situation before the water system activates. Furthermore, some pre-action systems can automatically shut down equipment when the first detection occurs, mitigating potential water damage. False alarms are much less destructive.

Water mist systems

Water mist systems have the advantages of gas systems but without the water damage downside. Mist systems cool the temperature of the area and reduce oxygen levels by generating steam. Water mist systems create droplets that are less than 1 millimeter in diameter (as required by the NFPA), which is fifth the size of a standard sprinkler droplet. These tiny droplets lower temperatures and turn to steam, which absorbs heat faster than larger droplets. Research has shown that water mist systems are as effective as dry chemical solutions and reduce the time and expense of post-fire cleanup.

What type of fire suppression system is best?

There is no one-size-fits-all system, as server rooms come in all sizes and types.. The selection of fire suppression systems for server rooms is determined by several factors, including:

  • Is it part of an existing system or completely new system?
  • How old is the existing system?
  • Is it a move of the server room from one location to another? 
  • What is the size of the area to be suppressed?
  • What equipment is in the room and how is it used?
  • What type of cooling system is currently in place?
  • Where is the server room located in the building?
  • How much risk is the business willing to take and still be compliant?

These are just a few questions to answer before selecting a fire suppression system for a server room. A professional team, like Sciens, will ask the right questions and recommend a solution that’s appropriate for the server room. 

You should also be mindful of server room fire safety requirements and prevention. The least destructive fire is one that never starts, so take precautions before and after you have a server room fire suppression system installed.

  • Start with a fire risk and safety assessment with a licensed fire suppression technician
  • Regularly inspect and fully test your systems (quarterly or bi-annually)  with a trusted fire inspection company
  • Inspect the equipment, cables, and connections often (weekly)
  • Keep the room cool and well-ventilated
  •  Keep your server room clutter free and dust it regularly 

IT professional inspecting a server room

Make the right choices with the right partner.

Fire suppression systems for computer rooms or server rooms are a necessity for any business that maintains an onsite IT infrastructure.  Whether you’re starting a new business, moving to a new location, your existing system is aging, or you’re switching from a cloud-based service to an in-house solution, you need to have a professional team to assist you in the proper selection, installation, and maintenance of a server room fire suppression system. Rely on the team of experts at Sciens to help you make the right decisions.

Protect your organization’s data, equipment and vital IT infrastructure from irreparable damage. Contact Sciens today.