Hotel Eleo at University of Florida: Sciens’s Impact

Gainesville, Florida

Hotel Eleo at University of Florida: Sciens’s Impact


Hotel Eleo is a six-story, 173-room boutique hotel with a restaurant, 24-hour fitness studio, and two meeting rooms. It is walking distance to the University of Florida (UF) Health Shand’s Medical facilities, which allows a close and comfortable place to stay for families with patients using the medical facilities. It is important to UF and Hotel Eleo that patients and their families receive the same care and hospitality at the hotel that they do at the hospital.

Sciens Scope

Sciens installed and commissioned a code-compliant Notifier Onyx fire alarm system consisting of 600 devices, including fire smoke dampers to prevent smoke spread, gas line valve shut off and sprinkler monitoring. We also added a Cornell two-way communications system to ensure hotel staff can communicate with first responders for the most expedient response to any potential emergency.


Hotel Eleo now has a fully code-compliant fire alarm and two-way communications system that provides the highest level of threat detection and alarm communication for hotel occupants, including the ability to provide the precise location of the alarm to first responders. This type of system is critical in hospitality settings, where guests may be asleep during an emergency event, and need immediate notification, especially in case of an evacuation.

Sciens Personnel

Rick Bloom & Ashley Baldwin

Sales Reps

Jerry Gentry


Pedro Ramirez

Project Manager